Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

How to Survive Postpartum Life

Monday, August 31st, 2020

Postpartum life is a fuzzy time. Some women look back on it with nothing but fondness while others remember it as one of the hardest times of their life.  No matter who you are, or what your birth story is, postpartum life is filled with no sleep, lots of baby snuggles, and a lot of changes to your body.

For me, giving birth felt like my organs were drifting around in the huge ocean of my torso for a few days. Read More

Everything You Need to Know About Ameda Pumps

Wednesday, June 24th, 2020

Everything You Need to Know About Ameda Pumps

We are excited to tell you about two pumps that we carry on our site – the Ameda Mya and the Ameda Mya Joy. Both are fabulous choices for any pumping mom, but we’re here to tell you a little bit more about them.

Ameda Mya

The Ameda Mya is a breakthrough hospital strength portable breast pump that is compact without compromise. Mya is small, super lightweight, ultra-quiet, and can be operated by a rechargeable battery. Read More

3 Most Popular Free Breast Pump FAQs

Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

3 Most Popular Free Breast Pump FAQs

We get a lot of questions about ordering a free breast pump though insurance. You can always go to our FAQ page to learn more, but here are our top 3 questions we receive about ordering a breast pump through insurance.

The Medela Freestyle Flex

1. How do I get a breast pump through insurance? 

Breast pumps are covered through most insurance companies. The easiest way to find out if you are covered for an insurance covered breast pump is to use a company – like us – who does all the hard work for you! Read More

How Are You Doing?

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

How Are You Doing?

We had another blog post planned for today, but with everything going on in the world we wanted to take this moment to give a shout out to all the parents out there who are dealing with their lives being turned upside down while also being pregnant, nursing, and/or parenting. It’s a lot for anyone to handle, so we talked to a few of our favorite moms to find out how they’re dealing with COVID-19.

“I have three kids – 2, 4, and 6. Read More

How to Get Free Enfamil Formula for Premature Babies

Sunday, December 8th, 2019

How to Get Free Enfamil Formula for Premature Babies

As we told you here, we are so excited that in addition to helping mamas get their breast pump and breastfeeding supplies free through insurance, we now also offer specialty formulas free through insurance.

One of those formulas we offer is Enfamil NeuroPro EnfaCare Formula for babies who were born prematurely.

This formula was designed to cater specifically to preemies’ needs. Since premature babies are small and immature, they need extra help to grow and store fat. Read More

5 New Holiday Traditions to Try

Monday, December 2nd, 2019

5 New Holiday Traditions to Try

Celebrating your first holiday season with a new baby is such a special, wonderful time. A lot of families get to meet new additions for the first time over the holidays. It truly is a time when memories are made.

Here are a few of the holiday traditions we love at ICBP!

1. Buy (and photograph) matching family PJs

Clearly this is a very tried and true tradition, but for good reason! First of all, it’s cozy and sweet to spend a winter weekend at home watching movies in the same PJs. Read More

How Breastfeeding Affects Fertility

Monday, November 11th, 2019

How Breastfeeding Affects Fertility

There are a lot of rumors swirling around out there about how breastfeeding can affect fertility. We are here to clear up all those misconceptions so that you can be in charge of growing your family at the right time for you.

Can I Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding?

The #1 question a lot of new moms ask is if they can get pregnant while breastfeeding. The answer is — yes. It is definitely possible. While breastfeeding can inhibit ovulation, it doesn’t always work that way, so it’s important to assume that you can get pregnant. Read More

Introducing the Elvie Breast Pump

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

Introducing the Elvie Breast Pump

At Insurance Covered Breast Pumps we are always keeping on top of the new breastfeeding and pumping trends. One of the ones that has really taken the pumping mama community by storm is a wearable, tube-free breast pump.

That’s why we are so excited to announce we now offer the Elvie.

The Elvie is a wearable, lightweight double breast pump that has no tubes, fits in your bra, and is silent.

In other words, the Elvie allows mamas to pump while carrying on with their lives. Read More

How to Make Breastfeeding Enjoyable

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019

How to Make Breastfeeding Enjoyable

The truth about breastfeeding is that even though it can be a powerful bonding experience, very few people actually call it enjoyable. The cracked nipples, midnight feeds, and loss of freedom are just a couple reasons why many new moms find breastfeeding to be challenging.

However, there is definitely joy in breastfeeding. The snuggles, the skin-to-skin contact, the feeling that you are able to provide sustenance to your child when nobody else can — those are all reasons to celebrate breastfeeding and embrace the joy it provides. Read More

4 Tips on How to Wean Your Baby

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

4 Tips on How to Wean Your Baby

Weaning your baby comes with two very distinct categories: emotions and logistics. Today I’m going to tackle the logistics part of weaning a child, and next will come the emotional post.

Every mother will experience weaning differently. For some it will be wonderful and freeing, others will find it difficult and emotional. Additionally, it can also be very painful. Here are four tips for how to wean your child with the least amount of hassle and pain possible. Read More

What to Expect Your First Week Back at Work

Wednesday, August 28th, 2019

How to even begin this post? Going back to work after having a baby is one of those experiences that you will think about and remember for a long time, if not forever. When I left my daughter to return to work, she was 12 weeks old. I was lucky to be able to take my full maternity leave (I believe it was 60% paid).


The first day I remember feeling so many mixed emotions. On one hand, I did not want to leave my baby. Read More

How to Store and Freeze Breastmilk

Sunday, July 21st, 2019

When I started pumping for my first baby, I enjoyed looking at all that milk in my fridge so much that even if my little one didn’t eat it, I didn’t freeze it. It felt like such an accomplishment to have pumped so much milk and I liked seeing it every day.

Then a few days after I’d started pumping, I realized by not paying attention to when I’d pumped I had wasted so many ounces of milk!! It was so demoralizing. Read More