Let’s be real—breast pumps used to be a hassle. Bulky machines, loud motors, and the need to be plugged into a wall made the whole experience feel more like a chore than a convenience. But times have changed, and today’s pumps? Total game-changers.
Hands-Free, No Strings Attached: Some pumps are completely wearable, fitting right inside your bra. No tubes, no wires, no need to sit still. You can pump while driving, working, or even chasing a toddler around the house. Most hands-free pumps come with rechargeable batteries, so you don’t have to worry about finding an outlet. Read More
Breast pumping can be a game-changer for new moms, offering flexibility, convenience, and the ability to share feeding responsibilities. Whether you’re returning to work, building a freezer stash, or exclusively pumping, having the right pump and knowing how to use it effectively can make all the difference. Here are two of our essential tips to help you navigate breast pumping with confidence.
Choosing the Right Breast Pump: Not all breast pumps are created equal, and the right one for you depends on your specific needs and lifestyle. Read More
Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy May Leave You Feeling Very Tired
Pregnancy brings a host of ailments with it, from nausea to hip pain to poor sleep. What some pregnant women don’t realize is that some of the bad sleep cam be from sleep apnea.
Most women who are pregnant and suffering from sleep apnea don’t even realize it, but sleep apnea is a common condition that affects 50-70 million adults in the US. Sleep apnea causes the throat pathway to narrow due to muscles relaxing so much during sleep that oxygen cannot pass through. Read More
When mamas are ready to start thinking breast pumps, it can often be overwhelming to dive into all the categories. There’s a lot to know about breast pumps to be able to choose the best one for you. We delve into some of the more technical aspects in other blog posts.
If you’re on our site, you know you can get your breast pump covered through insurance, but did you know that moms may be eligible for replacement parts and breast milk storage bags?
If you would like to receive replacement parts and breast milk storage bags, contact us and we will work with your insurance company to determine if you are eligible.
New breast pump supplies matter for a few reasons.
New supplies can help reduce bacteria and mold build-up
New supplies help make sure your pump is working at maximum capacity
Over time, parts can become warped or damaged
That’s why we offer monthly replacement parts at Insurance Covered Breast Pumps. Read More
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, nothing can prepare you for the shock of becoming a mother. However, there are some tips and tricks that will help you make the transition from pregnant mom-to-be to breastfeeding-badass.
1. Take a class
Whether it’s online or at the hospital, taking a breastfeeding class can make a huge difference in the level of confidence you feel when you start nursing. Here are some important things you will learn at a breastfeeding class:
Different hold positions and how they should look
What shape a baby’s mouth should look like before attempting to latch
What a good latch should look and feel like
Important vocabulary such as: latch, let down, engorgement, and more
Having this knowledge in your back pocket will make the entire breastfeeding experience feel less scary and more familiar as you navigate being a new mom and learning to breastfeed. Read More
Postpartum life is a fuzzy time. Some women look back on it with nothing but fondness while others remember it as one of the hardest times of their life. No matter who you are, or what your birth story is, postpartum life is filled with no sleep, lots of baby snuggles, and a lot of changes to your body.
For me, giving birth felt like my organs were drifting around in the huge ocean of my torso for a few days. Read More
We are excited to tell you about two pumps that we carry on our site – the Ameda Mya and the Ameda Mya Joy. Both are fabulous choices for any pumping mom, but we’re here to tell you a little bit more about them.
Ameda Mya
The Ameda Mya is a breakthrough hospital strength portable breast pump that is compact without compromise. Mya is small, super lightweight, ultra-quiet, and can be operated by a rechargeable battery. Read More
We get a lot of questions about ordering a free breast pump though insurance. You can always go to our FAQ page to learn more, but here are our top 3 questions we receive about ordering a breast pump through insurance.
The Medela Freestyle Flex
1. How do I get a breast pump through insurance?
Breast pumps are covered through most insurance companies. The easiest way to find out if you are covered for an insurance covered breast pump is to use a company – like us – who does all the hard work for you! Read More
We had another blog post planned for today, but with everything going on in the world we wanted to take this moment to give a shout out to all the parents out there who are dealing with their lives being turned upside down while also being pregnant, nursing, and/or parenting. It’s a lot for anyone to handle, so we talked to a few of our favorite moms to find out how they’re dealing with COVID-19.
The world is currently dealing with a completely unprecedented situation as Coronavirus, also called COVID-19, shuts down schools, restaurants, bars, and threatens the health of millions of people around the world.
COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that is spreading due to its highly-contagious nature. It spreads from person-to-person when someone coughs or sneezes, and it can also spread when people touch a surface or object that has the virus on it.
This is a scary time for many people, but especially for moms who are pregnant or nursing. Read More
For those brave mamas who are thinking about becoming pregnant while your first is still nursing, you may end up breastfeeding and pregnant at the same time! This is a lot for your body to handle. However, it’s been done by millions of women before and is definitely doable. Here are a few of our favorite tips to make nursing while pregnant as comfortable as possible.
Try different breastfeeding positions to make it more comfortable to nurse while pregnant
1. Try different breastfeeding positions
If you are used to breastfeeding with your baby on your lap, that may not work for much longer. Read More