Archive for April, 2019

5 Important Tricks for Boosting Milk Supply 

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

5 Important Tricks for Boosting Milk Supply

Let’s be honest, when you want to breastfeed and something goes wrong, it can be heart-wrenching.  And there are so many moms who experience so many problems! From a poor latch, to a fussy baby who is refusing the boob, to low milk supply, there are a million and one different problems that nursing mamas face. Breastfeeding is hard!

One breastfeeding problem that so many new moms experience is low milk supply. Luckily, it’s also a problem that can sometimes be solved quickly and easily.  Read More

Recovering From Childbirth

Tuesday, April 16th, 2019

Recovering From Childbirth

My cousin had a baby a week ago. I was talking to my aunt and she said about my cousin — the new mom, “It’s like she never even gave birth, she bounced right back!” I had to silence my gag reflex. Obviously I was happy for my cousin that she had such an easy recovery, but it was still hard to hear considering it took me over a month to move without pain after my births.

I’ve had three c-sections which you can read about here, here, and here. Read More

The Life-Saving Importance of Chest Seals: Introducing the Beacon Chest Seal

Thursday, April 4th, 2019

The Life-Saving Importance of Chest Seals: Introducing the Beacon Chest Seal

Chest injuries, particularly those resulting in a pneumothorax or hemothorax, can be life-threatening if not treated promptly and effectively. Chest seals are an essential component of emergency trauma care, providing a fast and reliable solution to manage these critical situations. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of chest seals and introduce the Beacon Chest Seal, a top-of-the-line medical device designed to save lives in emergency scenarios.

Understanding the Need for Chest Seals

When an individual suffers from an open chest wound, air or blood can accumulate in the pleural cavity, leading to a potentially fatal condition known as tension pneumothorax or hemothorax. Read More