Archive for January, 2019

6 Pumping Hacks for Working Moms

Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

6 Pumping Hacks for Working Moms

Maternity leave often passes in haze of sleepless nights, chapped nipples, and baby snuggles. When it’s time to get back to work, reality sets in that you have to figure out the most effective way to provide breast milk while not being near your baby for 8+ hours a day.

When I went back to work, I thought, how hard can pumping at work be? Turns out, it’s plenty hard so here are a few of my favorite hacks that will make pumping at work a little bit easier. Read More

Breastfeeding 101: The Top 3 Things New Moms Need to Know

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019

Breastfeeding 101: The Top 3 Things New Moms Need to Know

There is so much to think about when expecting a baby. When I was pregnant with my first (and second and third), I felt like my mind was being pulled in a million different directions every day.

I was thinking about actually being pregnant – was I eating right, exercising, would the sunscreen I was wearing seep into my skin and harm the baby?

Then I thought about the birth – did I want the epidural (HELL YES), how could I avoid a C-section (I couldn’t), who did I want in the delivery room (just my husband). Read More

What Is Mastitis and How Can You Treat It?

Wednesday, January 16th, 2019

What Is Mastitis and How Can You Treat It?

A few months into my breastfeeding journey, my left breast started to ache. I noted that it was hurting and thought of it as odd, but went about my day. By that night I had a fever and my breast hurt so bad I could hardly touch it. I knew something was wrong.

I called my doctor to describe my symptoms and she immediately told me I had mastitis. She prescribed an antibiotic and told me to put warm compresses on my breast. Read More

Everything You Need to Know About Breast Flanges, Breast Shields, & Nipple Shields  

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

Everything You Need to Know About Breast Flanges, Breast Shields, & Nipple Shields  

Whenever I’m looking for a new recipe to cook I’ll skim the ingredient list and the second I see an ingredient that intimidates me (I’m looking at you yeast and fennel) I immediately write it off. I am simply not a good enough cook to attempt yeast.

For a while, this is how I felt about breast flanges, breast shields, and nipple shields. Just reading those words intimidated me. Read More

How Much Do New Babies Need to Eat?

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019

How Much Do New Babies Need to Eat?

I remember sitting in the hospital room after my first baby was born and wondering if she was hungry.

I had no milk and wouldn’t for another three to four days and while she would latch nicely, I had no idea if she was getting enough food.

Lots of moms have told me they have this same concern. I have a friend who asked the nurse to give her daughter formula because she was worried her daughter wasn’t getting enough sustenance. Read More

Catering to Unique Patient Needs with Medsource Bariatric Tables

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019

In healthcare settings, providing specialized care for bariatric patients requires the right equipment. Medsource bariatric tables are specifically designed to accommodate the unique needs of bariatric individuals, ensuring their safety, comfort, and dignity during medical examinations or treatments.

Medsource bariatric tables are built to withstand higher weight capacities and offer a broader surface area compared to standard medical tables. This extra support ensures the stability and security that bariatric patients require during procedures. The sturdy construction and reinforced frames provide the necessary strength and durability for long-term use. Read More