Archive for August, 2019

What to Expect Your First Week Back at Work

Wednesday, August 28th, 2019

How to even begin this post? Going back to work after having a baby is one of those experiences that you will think about and remember for a long time, if not forever. When I left my daughter to return to work, she was 12 weeks old. I was lucky to be able to take my full maternity leave (I believe it was 60% paid).


The first day I remember feeling so many mixed emotions. On one hand, I did not want to leave my baby. Read More

Breast Pump FAQs

Wednesday, August 28th, 2019

When it’s time to pick the best breast pump for you, there are going to be a lot of questions. So we’re here to help! Here are some of our most asked questions.

Will my insurance cover my breast pump?

Under the Affordable Care Act, most insurance plans cover breast pumps, with the exception of some grandfathered plans. Our specialists are trained in working with your insurance company to get your pump covered. Let us do the dirty work!

When can I order my pump? Read More

The Benefits of Wearing a Back Brace

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Nobody likes back pain. Whether it’s the result of injury, getting older, or just bad luck, having bad back pain can affect the way you live. Suddenly, bending down to pick something up seems harrowing, or lifting your child or grandchild is like asking for a sleepless night.

Back pain is so common in our society that many people feel like they have no option but to suffer. However, that’s just not true.

Thanks to advances in brace technology, new back braces were designed specifically to be supportive and act as a huge help for those suffering from back pain. Read More

5 Tips to Help Engorgement

Friday, August 16th, 2019

5 Tips to Help Engorgement

When a new mother’s milk is coming in it can often lead to engorgement causing the breasts to become full and hard. They can feel tender to the touch and extremely heavy.

For those who are breastfeeding for the first time, engorgement can be a very foreign feeling. For most moms, this only lasts a few days, but it can be very uncomfortable. The good news is, there are ways to help! Here are our five top tips for treating uncomfortable, heavy breasts. Read More