Archive for the ‘New Mom Tips’ Category

Breast Pumping Tips: Finding the Right Pump and Making It Work for You

Friday, December 27th, 2024

Breast pumping can be a game-changer for new moms, offering flexibility, convenience, and the ability to share feeding responsibilities. Whether you’re returning to work, building a freezer stash, or exclusively pumping, having the right pump and knowing how to use it effectively can make all the difference. Here are two of our essential tips to help you navigate breast pumping with confidence.

Choosing the Right Breast Pump:  Not all breast pumps are created equal, and the right one for you depends on your specific needs and lifestyle. Read More

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Moms and Baby

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

Importance of Breast Feeding for New Moms and New Born Babies

Breastfeeding has a lot of clinically-proved benefits for you and your baby. Studies have shown that breastfeeding protects your baby from a long list of illnesses. Studies from all over the world show that stomach viruses, lower respiratory illnesses, ear infections, and meningitis occur less often in breastfed babies. and its parent company, Medsource LLC’s goal is to provide quality breast pumps and accessories to help create a positive breastfeeding experience for both moms and babies. Read More