There exists a variety of electric pumps in the market ranging from large hospital grade pumps, mid-weight personal use automatic pumps all varying in size to battery operated and manual models that operate by pumping each breast at a time. Also in existence are strap around pumps that are strapped around the waist which allows the pumping mom to work around instead of sitting waiting for the next pumping session. As a breastfeeding mom, it is appropriate to choose a pump that best suits your situations and is compatible with your day to day errands as pumping can be tiresome, the mother should not see it as a burden. Read More
Breast pumping like breast feeding is a skill. Breast pumping comes in handy when you are dealing with challenges when breastfeeding. These challenges can come in the form of biting, low milk supply, ill moms, infections among many others. Sometimes breast pumping can be a challenge in itself and this means that you will need all the help you can get for smooth pumping.
Here are some great tips that will make your pumping session comfortable and more successful when using a manual or electric breast pump. Read More
Personnel enriched with knowledge on infant modes of feeding and breastfeeding from the United States Food and Drug Administration commonly referred to as FDA, have compiled a set of follow ups that a mother whose choice of feeding is preferably the breast pumps. The guidelines are here for moms so as to give them a scope on how they can store their expressed breast milk for the infant’s lactation later on.The breastfeeding moms are advised against sharing the breastfeeding pumps as one among the major safety guidelines by the FDA. Read More
Feeding moms and the babies can now enjoy the luxury of knowing that insurance companies support both their feeding efforts and counseling. The ACA better known as the Affordable Care Act or simply the Obamacare requires the insuring companies to cover for health services with breastfeeding support being among the most looked on. For instance if a coverage commenced on August 1, 2012 or later and the company the breastfeeding mother is insured to is any “non-grandfathered” plan then the feeding support and equipment’s must be covered 100% with no cost sharing or forced payments. Read More
As much as most people might think that choosing a breast pump is easy it’s actually the contrary, choosing the breast pump is not as easy as people might think. Most moms who have used the pumps before would definitely agree, below is a breakdown of 5 important tips that should be considered by any interested mother before they actually choose the electrical pump.
Tip #1 – Consider the four W’s
The four W’s are: • What – is its use for? Read More
Some of these pumps have great features that will provide an effective alternative to breastfeeding. These features are known to reduce the stressful moment a mother experiences when she is breastfeeding. Most women are working and they need to return to work after the official maternity leave is over. Working is an important element in the support of the family and this means that they will have to go back regardless of whether they are breastfeeding or not. Read More