My Breastfeeding Story: 3 Kids in 5 Years

My Breastfeeding Story + Tips – 3 Kids in 5 Years
Hi there! I’m excited to be joining the Insurance Covered Breast Pump community as a fellow breastfeeding mama. I have a 5 year-old girl, 3-year-old girl, and 5-month-old boy. I nursed all three and am still nursing the baby. So as you can imagine, I have a lot to say about the subject.
I can’t wait to share my breastfeeding story and my pumping tips and learn about yours. But first, let’s get to know each other! Here’s a little bit about my journey.
Baby #1: Hungry and Content

Breastfeeding tip for new moms
When my first baby was born, she latched immediately. I was still in the recovery room after my emergency c-section when they brought her to me. Exhausted, groggy, and did I mention exhausted, they put her in my arms and I did what I had learned to do in the breastfeeding class my husband and I took at the hospital. I waited for her to open her mouth wide and then basically shoved my nipple in there. To the surprise of everyone in the room, she latched and didn’t unlatch for 45 minutes.
I knew then and there that nursing was going to be our thing.
And boy was it ever.
For 14 months I nursed her when we were together and pumped when I was at work. She gobbled her bottles like they were candy, and loved laying in my arms playing with my hair while she nursed in the morning and at night.
When she turned a year, she broke my heart by refusing her nighttime nursing session. But we kept our morning sessions another two months because I wasn’t ready to let it go. It was our time together.
Baby #2: Squirmy and Wily
Three months after the nursing journey ended with baby #1, I found myself pregnant again. And nine months later, I welcomed another little girl under the OR lights after an unsuccessful VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).
And again they put her in my exhausted arms and she latched immediately. I knew I’d have another wonderful breastfeeding journey to look forward to.
As with most second children, she was a bit more of a wily one and wasn’t as interested in lying there and bonding. From a young age, she wanted to move and see things, swatting away her bottles and constantly unlatching to see what was going on around her.
But even distracted babies need to eat, so for the next 14 months we nursed. Her in my arms, trying to leave and me holding her closer.
Baby #3: Calm and Sweet
By the time my son was born, 2.5 years after baby #2 (yes, I’ve been busy and yes, I’m exhausted, and yes, it’s worth it) I was so confident in my breastfeeding abilities that I knew he’d be on my boob immediately. And I was right.
Right now he’s 5-months-old and quite the chunky-monkey. He is a superb nurser, and we love to lie together while he eats and I memorize his sweet little face, because when I say no more babies, I really mean it.
What all this means is that I have many hours of breastfeeding under my belt. It has been one of the most wonderful experiences of motherhood, and one I wouldn’t trade for anything.
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Here are my best breastfeeding tips
1. Recognize from the beginning that everyone’s journey is different

Don’t be scared to breastfeed in public
My breastfeeding story was relatively speaking, an easy one. Not all are. I have many friends who didn’t get the supply they needed, had intense pain during latching, and had to decide whether to power through some really challenging times or throw in the towel – doing what was best for them and their baby.
At ICBP we believe fed is best, and while it’s wonderful when breastfeeding works, it’s also wonderful that there are other safe alternatives for babies as well.
So if you’re struggling, know you’re not alone and find a support group, hire a lactation consultant, and talk to your doctor.
2. Invest in the things you need to be successful
A minimalist at heart, it took me awhile to realize all that stuff people tell you to buy – you need it. From my trusty pump to my favorite breastfeeding pillow to all my pumping supplies, being successful in this journey was because I had the things I needed.
(Stay tuned for a round-up of my favorite nursing supplies.)
3. Own your power
Sometimes I look at my sweet babies and can’t believe that my body was able to sustain each of them for so long. When you’re exhausted, over-touched, and just want a minute to yourself, take a moment to acknowledge that what you’re doing isn’t easy and be proud.
4. Don’t be scared to breastfeed in public
There is a whole #normalizebreastfeeding movement out there, one which until I had kids, I didn’t understand. But if you are exclusively breastfeeding that means there will be times when you are out in public and have to feed your child. Even with a cover on, you’ll get looks. Without a cover on, people will openly stare. Come to terms with it and know you are doing what’s best for your family. Don’t let anyone get you down.
In the end, my biggest takeaway from this breastfeeding journey is that every stage of parenting is wonderful (albeit hard). In seven months, I will be done nursing forever and while the thought tugs at my heartstrings, I also can’t wait for my baby to talk and walk and give me snuggles because he wants to, not because he’s a baby that can’t move.
So here’s to you, my fellow breastfeeding mamas. We’re all in this together.
Now tell me about your journeys by commenting below.
Are you just getting started?
What are you nervous about?
What are you looking forward to?
At Insurance Covered Breast Pumps, we know that the pumping life is mom life. And we want you to be successful!
See if your insurance will cover one of our brandname breast pumps by clicking here!
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