Today we are talking to one of our ICBP mamas — Katie, age 36, kids: Patrick, 7-months and August, 3-years-old about what she would tell her pregnant self if she was given the chance.
If I could go back in time and give my pregnant self some advice before became a mother, I’d have four pieces of wisdom I wish I could impart.
1. Everything is a stage
This applies to both my pregnancy and motherhood journey. Read More
3 Tips to Help Prepare You and Your Baby for Daycare
Dropping your child off for their first day at daycare is hard. Really, really hard. Not only can it be physically and logistically challenging, but for some parents it’s one of the most difficult moments of parenting to date. While logically you know that your child is safe and well-cared for, dropping them off and heading to work is emotional.
Here are three of our best tips to help make the transition to daycare easier for you and your baby. Read More
What You Need to Know About Open vs. Closed Breast Pump Systems
When you first see those pink lines on a pregnancy test, you probably didn’t think that months down the line you would be obsessing over breast pumps. Instead, you were probably focusing on tiny baby clothes and adorable nursery decoration.
Yet, picking the right breast pump is an important decision for those mamas who want to breastfeed but also need some freedom.
We’ve talked about how to find the right breast pump here and how to find the right flanges here. Read More
Finding the right breast pump can feel very overwhelming as there are so many options. At Insurance Covered Breast Pumps, we offer only the best brands from top manufacturers so you can feel confident in your choice of breast pumps. There are a few questions that you should ask when choosing your breast pump.
1. Do you want battery or plug-in?
Some pumps are battery operated so you don’t need to be tethered to a wall with an outlet. Read More
How to Get Free Enfamil Formula for Premature Babies
As we told you here, we are so excited that in addition to helping mamas get their breast pump and breastfeeding supplies free through insurance, we now also offer specialty formulas free through insurance.
This formula was designed to cater specifically to preemies’ needs. Since premature babies are small and immature, they need extra help to grow and store fat. Read More
Celebrating your first holiday season with a new baby is such a special, wonderful time. A lot of families get to meet new additions for the first time over the holidays. It truly is a time when memories are made.
Here are a few of the holiday traditions we love at ICBP!
1. Buy (and photograph) matching family PJs
Clearly this is a very tried and true tradition, but for good reason! First of all, it’s cozy and sweet to spend a winter weekend at home watching movies in the same PJs. Read More
There are a lot of rumors swirling around out there about how breastfeeding can affect fertility. We are here to clear up all those misconceptions so that you can be in charge of growing your family at the right time for you.
Can I Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding?
The #1 question a lot of new moms ask is if they can get pregnant while breastfeeding. The answer is — yes. It is definitely possible. While breastfeeding can inhibit ovulation, it doesn’t always work that way, so it’s important to assume that you can get pregnant. Read More
At Insurance Covered Breast Pumps we are always keeping on top of the new breastfeeding and pumping trends. One of the ones that has really taken the pumping mama community by storm is a wearable, tube-free breast pump.
That’s why we are so excited to announce we now offer the Elvie.
The Elvie is a wearable, lightweight double breast pump that has no tubes, fits in your bra, and is silent.
In other words, the Elvie allows mamas to pump while carrying on with their lives. Read More
Having a baby is a shock. Literally. You will be shocked by how much love you feel, how much work there is, and how different your life is.
Here are six things that we think are very surprising about having a baby.
1. How much bodily fluid there is
This includes from both mother and child. When you wake up and your shirt and sheets are soaked, your first thought will be — is that breastmilk, urine, or blood. Read More
The truth about breastfeeding is that even though it can be a powerful bonding experience, very few people actually call it enjoyable. The cracked nipples, midnight feeds, and loss of freedom are just a couple reasons why many new moms find breastfeeding to be challenging.
However, there is definitely joy in breastfeeding. The snuggles, the skin-to-skin contact, the feeling that you are able to provide sustenance to your child when nobody else can — those are all reasons to celebrate breastfeeding and embrace the joy it provides. Read More
When the time has come to wean your baby, not only are there physical considerations which we talked about here, but there will also be A LOT of emotions.
Each time I weaned one of my babies, I felt equal parts relief and a deep sadness. For me, weaning meant that their baby stage was over and they were turning into little people. I also felt like I was taking something away from them that brought them a lot of comfort. Read More
Weaning your baby comes with two very distinct categories: emotions and logistics. Today I’m going to tackle the logistics part of weaning a child, and next will come the emotional post.
Every mother will experience weaning differently. For some it will be wonderful and freeing, others will find it difficult and emotional. Additionally, it can also be very painful. Here are four tips for how to wean your child with the least amount of hassle and pain possible. Read More