5 New Holiday Traditions to Try

5 New Holiday Traditions to Try
Celebrating your first holiday season with a new baby is such a special, wonderful time. A lot of families get to meet new additions for the first time over the holidays. It truly is a time when memories are made.
Here are a few of the holiday traditions we love at ICBP!

Matching holiday pajamas make sweet memories for parents and kids
1. Buy (and photograph) matching family PJs
Clearly this is a very tried and true tradition, but for good reason! First of all, it’s cozy and sweet to spend a winter weekend at home watching movies in the same PJs. Second of all, it makes for some fantastic photos! Families in matching PJs are the types of photos that will last generations.
2. Make a yearly photo calendar
Creating a photo calendar with a monthly photo from the past year is a wonderful way to enjoy memories and add some personality to your home. As your kids get older, they will love turning the pages every month to see which photo comes next.
One pro tip — use photos from the same month last year. It helps set the tone for the month to see a picture of your family at the beach in July or opening presents in December. Our favorite photo calendar is this large, graphic one by Pinhole Press, which you can find here.
3. Have a movie night
Pick a movie — any holiday movie — and make it a tradition to watch it every. single. year. For some it’s a sappy movie like Love Actually and for others A Christmas Story might fit the bill, but whatever your taste in movies, having kids who look forward to watching the same movie every year will help solidify their memories of this special time. And maybe, if you can even imagine it, be a tradition they pass down to their own children one day.

Anything can be turned into a fun tradition! Even drinking hot chocolate.
4. Find an activity outside the home
Another great tradition is to go see lights, go to a holiday play, or find a special place to drink some hot chocolate. Having a tradition of getting out of the house and doing something fun with family and friends in the winter will help make what can feel like a dreary time of year a lot more cozy and fun.
5. Sponsor another family
It’s never too early to instill the spirit of giving in children, and by starting the tradition of giving those in need toys, books, or even clothing you will start your child’s life by showing them that helping others is what the holiday season is all about.
What would you add to the list? What do you remember from your childhood?
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