3 Tips to Help You Prepare to Breastfeed

3 Tips to Help You Prepare to Breastfeed
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, nothing can prepare you for the shock of becoming a mother. However, there are some tips and tricks that will help you make the transition from pregnant mom-to-be to breastfeeding-badass.
1. Take a class
Whether it’s online or at the hospital, taking a breastfeeding class can make a huge difference in the level of confidence you feel when you start nursing. Here are some important things you will learn at a breastfeeding class:
- Different hold positions and how they should look
- What shape a baby’s mouth should look like before attempting to latch
- What a good latch should look and feel like
- Important vocabulary such as: latch, let down, engorgement, and more
Having this knowledge in your back pocket will make the entire breastfeeding experience feel less scary and more familiar as you navigate being a new mom and learning to breastfeed.
2. Have your supplies ready
Babies don’t need much, just some clothes, somewhere to sleep, and milk. Having your breastfeeding supplies on hand will make for a smoother transition. We recommend having at the ready:
- Breastfeeding pillow (we like the My Breast Friend)
- Breast pump
- Hands-free pumping bra
- Snacks
- Huge water jug
- Breast pads to help with leaking
- Nipple cream
Set up help so you can focus on spending your time nursing
3. Set Up Help
Breastfeeding can be difficult and it can also be extremely time consuming. For babies who take a long time to eat (some take 45 min to an hour), having help around the house to deal with cooking, cleaning, childcare (if you have other children), and general life maintenance will be helpful. Having the luxury to sit and focus on breastfeeding can make a world of difference.
At Insurance Covered Breast Pumps, we know that the pumping life is mom life. And we want you to be successful!
See if your insurance will cover one of our brand name breast pumps by clicking here and follow our Facebook and Instagram for more pumping tips.